Clarke  Dental Charter of   healthcare  rights

Clarke Dental recognises and supports the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. Further to this we are pleased to provide our patients with our Charter of Patient Rights.


Clarke Dental values each patient and visitor to our practice as a unique person and we are committed to providing dental care and treatment with respect to individual culture, beliefs, values and personal characteristics. We respectfully request that our patients reciprocate this respect by being mindful of all staff at Clarke Dental and other patients.


In accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, the Dental Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner National Privacy Principles September 2001 our patients can expect that their personal health and other information will be collected, used, disclosed and stored in accordance with relevant laws about privacy, and that this information will remain confidential unless the law allows disclosure or the patient directs us to release the information. For further information please refer to the Clarke Dental Privacy Policy Statement.

The Privacy Policy of Clarke Dental consists of the following:

  • All information collected from our patients will be used for the purpose of providing treatment. Personal information such as name, address and health insurance details will be used for the purpose of addressing accounts to the patient, as well as processing payments and writing to the patient about any issues affecting their treatment.
  • We may disclose a patient’s health information to other health care professionals, or require it from them if, in our judgement, it is necessary in the context of the patient’s treatment. In this event, disclosure of personal details will be minimised wherever possible.
  • Patient history, treatment records, x-rays and any other material relevant to treatment will be kept and remain in a secure environment.
  • Under the privacy law, patients have rights of access to dental information held about them by this practice. We welcome a patient to inspect or request copies of their treatment records at any time, or seek an explanation from their dental practitioner.The following procedure has been developed to ensure that all requests for access are dealt with as efficiently as possible:
    1. All requests for access (other than straightforward requests for copies of test or treatment results made to your dental practitioner during your consultation) should be made in writing using (where available) a Request for Release of Dental Records Form.
    2. Requests for access will be acknowledged within 24 hours of the receipt of the request.
  • Where it is not possible for access to be granted within 14 days, the patient will be notified/advised when and if access will be granted.
  1. Where access is refused, the patient will be advised in writing of the reasons for refusal. This will include any information about other means by which access may be facilitated.
  2. A patient will not be permitted to remove any of the contents of their dental file from the practice, nor will they be permitted to alter or erase information contained in the dental record. However, if any of the information we have about a patient is inaccurate, a patient is encouraged to ask us to alter their records accordingly, in writing.
  3. Generally, patients will be required to collect their records in person. However, in some limited circumstances patients may request in writing that records are provided to another person
  • If a patient, or authorised person, is collecting a copy of dental records, they may be required to provide identification. Where possible this should be photographic identification.


Clarke Dental aims to provide dental services in a safe, secure and supportive environment. We encourage patients and/or staff to raise any concerns they may have. If a concern is raised, our staff and management will address the concern as soon as possible as per our work health and safety policy.

All patients are required to complete a full medical history as accurately and completely as possible, this will allow staff to identify any circumstances that may increase the risks associated with dental care.

In the unlikely occurrence of an adverse event, dental practitioners at Clarke Dental have a responsibility to be open and honest in communications with the patient involved, and their families or carers if applicable. We will explain what has occurred and how we will resolve the situation in the best interests of the patient. The patient will be provided with information regarding how to make a complaint.

Communication And Decision Making:

Clarke Dental  respects our patient’s right to receive adequate information to make informed decisions regarding their health and healthcare. Our staff will demonstrate a commitment to providing patients with accessible and understandable information about their treatment and treatment options, including costs, proposed medications and risks involved.

We will encourage our patients to be fully involved in the development of their treatment plans and decision making about treatment. As we expect patients to actively participate in decision making and choices about their treatment and dental needs, we allow time during consultations for questions and discussion and for extensive treatment plans we also encourage a patient to involve their family or carer in the decision making process.

 Clarke Dentals Informed Consent Process

By making a dental appointment with Clarke Dental we will assume ‘implied consent’ to that procedure based on the booking of an appointment, attendance, and you the patient allowing the physical examination to occur.

In the event of subsequent treatment being required our patients will be provided with the following information:

  • the procedure to be performed
  • the reason why the treatment is required
  • the costs associated with the treatment
  • any possible risks or complications

Our patients will then be able to make an informed decision and consent to the treatment either verbally or in writing depending on the procedure and associated risks.


Clarke  Dental aims to provide patients with appointments to meet their treatment needs. It is necessary for our patients make an agreed appointment time/date for consultations and treatment appointments. We request that patients notify us if this appointment cannot be met.

To assist patients in attending their appointment, we are pleased to offer the following reminder services:

  • Telephone call reminder
  • Text message reminder
  • Email Reminders

It remains the responsibility of the patient to attend their dental appointments, with or without a reminder call.

The cancellation policy of Clarke Dental  requires 24 hours notice for cancellation of an appointment.

The practice is pleased to offer 2 evening and early morning surgeries to accommodate patients who work Monday to Friday, usual business hours.

Your Comments

Our philosophy is to provide the highest standard of care at an affordable price for all patients, in all aspects of dentistry.

It is our intention to always provide the highest standard of care and service to all patients and visitors to our practice. Patient / visitor feedback provides us with valuable information about our services, facility and staff. We invite and encourage our patients to provide both positive and constructive feedback. You may wish to complete a dental patient survey, speak to one of our team members or provide feedback in the form of written feedback.

In the event of a serious complaint we ask you to contact either the Practice Manager or Principal Owner who will be pleased to discuss your concerns with you.


Please feel free to speak with any team member if you would like more information or have any questions about this matter.

Thankyou Clarke Dental Team

Serving Victoria for more than 50 years, Clarke Dental proudly upholds our mission to provide the highest standard of care at an affordable price for all patients, in all aspects of dentistry.